What Are Mini-Lessons?

Mini-lessons last between 3 and 30 minutes. Each mini-lesson includes pedagogical tips under “tips for teachers” on the right side. The icons indicate the types of interaction students will engage in and your role as the teacher. You’ll find the QR code or link to share with your class at the bottom.


Students discuss and share personal experiences. This may evoke emotional responses.

Remembering Survival

10 min

Take a Closer Look!

Shared Significance

An important part of Purim is retelling the biblical story of Esther and the survival of the Jewish people in Persia. But there are many more traditions associated with the holiday. What do you think – how do people still remember this story after such a long time?  

The four images show objects that are used to commemorate the story of Purim. Find out what they have in common.  

  • A wine bottle

    Some rabbis say that adults should drink so much on Purim – whether in the synagogue, on the street, or at a party – that they can no longer tell the difference between “Blessed be Mordechai” (the good guy) and “Cursed be Haman” (the bad guy).  

  • Triangular pastry filled with poppy seeds

    Poppy-seed pastries called Mohntaschen (poppy pockets) were common, and so it became a pun: Haman-taschen, or Haman pockets. Haman, the villain, is transformed into a delicious pastry filled with poppy seeds!

  • A black noisemaker with colorful decoration

    This is a noisemaker, better known in English by its Yiddish name “grager.” When the story of Esther is read during Purim and Haman’s name is mentioned, people make lots of noise to drown it out. A noisemaker is perfect for this, and it’s easy for anyone to use.

  • Closed scroll with the inscription Esther

    On Purim, the story is supposed to be read aloud in the synagogue, once at night and once during the day. Whenever Haman’s name is mentioned, everyone drowns it out with ratchet noisemakers, stamping their feet and booing.

    Write Down Your Observations

    What do you think these four items have in common? Write your answer in the text box.

    Provide This Mini-Lesson to Students

    Simply share the mini-lesson with your class using the QR code or link provided.

    Farbige Fläche mit Muster in rot-lilaThe word Purim in white letters.

    Go to the module The Festival of Purim, which includes this mini-lesson.

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