What Are Mini-Lessons?

Mini-lessons last between 3 and 30 minutes. Each mini-lesson includes pedagogical tips under “tips for teachers” on the right side. The icons indicate the types of interaction students will engage in and your role as the teacher. You’ll find the QR code or link to share with your class at the bottom.


Students discuss and share personal experiences. This may evoke emotional responses.

In the Stairwell

15 min

Take a Closer Look!

Why is antisemitism dangerous gossip? Watch the video now to find out!

Something Is Hanging Crooked

“You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” (Deuteronomy, chapter 6, verse 9)

This is a quote from the Torah. What does it say should be written on the doorposts of a house? Look at the two pictures to find out what this quote refers to.  

  • Small box with a Hebrew character; contains a piece of parchment

    A long, narrow box like this is often attached at an angle to the doorframe of Jewish homes and apartments. The owners can choose the box’s design for themselves. A little box like this is called a mezuzah. The word mezuzah is Hebrew and literally means “doorpost.”

  • A piece of yellowed parchment with Hebrew text

    Inside the box is a rolled-up piece of parchment. The parchment contains quotations from the Torah, the holy scripture in Judaism, including the one above. The mezuzah reminds the residents of a home or apartment of their connection to God. It also sends a message: “Jews live here.”

    In the Stairwell

    A mezuzah is typically no longer than a hand from wrist to fingertip. It is hung in the doorframe of many Jewish homes and apartments – unless… 

    Listen to the conversation between the two women and try to understand what goes into their decision.

    An encounter in the stairwell3

    Should I risk it?

    There was a time when Anna didn’t worry much about her neighbors seeing her mezuzah. What’s might have changed? What’s making Anna and David uneasy? What potential risks could be on their minds? 

    Write your thoughts in the text box and learn more about Anna’s decision.

    Provide This Mini-Lesson to Students

    Simply share the mini-lesson with your class using the QR code or link provided.

    Grafisches Muster in lila-blauGraphic lettering that says antisemitism

    Go to the module Antisemitism – long, which includes this mini-lesson.

    To the module